Saturday, February 7, 2009

Terrorism must be stopped

I was watching the news the other day and i just came across a news about terrorism and saw the killings and bombing that have been done till now in the name of religion and god. I dont understand why people indulge so much in their religion that they forget about humanity. They forget that they are humans as well and they are killing their own kind. Terrorists kill people like anything and it is so hard to completely remove terrorism because terrorists are humans as well and its not written on their face that they are terrorists.
How much rage and anger can their be that people start killing people and use such disastrous weopens to destroy what they built themselves in years. And what do they plan to accomplish by doing this. This does not make any sense to me but then i realize that it is their blind faith in religion that they fail to understand whats right and whats wrong. I just hope that people will someday understand that we are all the same and we need to live together in this world as one and not believe in superstition or religion and kill each other. I stopped believing in god and religion and thats why i am able to tell you all this and try to create a better world.

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