Thursday, March 1, 2012

Who says Life is hard????

People often say Life is hard, but what I've never understood is "Why is it hard?". Is it because we have a lot of things to accomplish or is it because we desire more than what we have? Have you ever given a thought to this???????

Well I'm sure you Have not. But that's not your fault, there are billion other people in the world who are in the same boat.

I've experienced a lot in the last 23 years and since I've started understanding things and how everything works, I've realized life is just the way we want it to be. If you have desires beyond what you already have then you can make your life a lot stressful and unhappy. But on the other hand if you are content with everything that you own, you would be as happy as an infant. I know everyone wants to own a big house, a super bike, a shiny car and a lot of other things but what if you don't get those things. Would you try to work for those or would you cry and curse your life because you don't have all of that. And maybe you would feel angry when you see someone who has all of that and start envying him. But this is really the opposite of what you should do. You should relax and think about the best thing that you can do at that moment to get a bit closer to the goal.

In the army when the novices are trained, they are told to take time to aim and then shoot. It should be done the same way in life as well. You should plan, take you time and then shoot for the target and slowly you would reach the goal and have everything that you urge for.

So people stop cursing your life and start working towards your ULTIMATE GOAL. And remember keep having fun along the way because it sucks when it gets boring.....:)

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