Sunday, February 1, 2009

Work for a better life

With the new year came new resolutions and new hopes but how many of us really work for our goals and want to achieve our aims? How many of us actually take necessary steps in ordre to make sure we get what we promise ourselves? So i ask everyone do you depend upon something or someone else to give you what you need or you go ahead and work hard for the things you need so that you deserve them?

Try to realize that nothing happens by itself but people make it happen. There are no miracles in this world. If you want something you have to get it yourself. If you are able to realize it then your life will become easier because you will start to feel the strength within yourselves to make the impossible possible. Believe me i have done this and my life has been smooth eversince because i know that i can do what i want to and i am independent and we all know that the real happiness comes when you know that you are not dependent on anybody. So just give it a thought and i bet you will start living in reality and make your own life better for yourself.

Life will be what you want it to be, you just need to think it that way.

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