Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Three things to know in life.....

In life, there are a lot of things to learn and work on but there are 3 things that you need to know in order to create your life the way you want it. And those are:

1) You need to know that you call the shots: Every decision is yours to make. No matter what the circumstances are, its you who decides what to do in them. Ofcourse there are things that change the course of your actions but the end decision is still in your hands so mane it worth it.

2) Its ok to be selfish: I know this is wrong to say but there are times when it is good to be selfish because it is your life and you need to make it worth living. And sometimes it harms to be not-selfish, thus think about yourselves sometimes and live the way you want to.

3) Change is good for you: I know a its hard to adjust to changes in life but most of the changes are good for you. and you don't need to back out of something that changes things in your life because that is going to happen anyways now or later. So just go do whatever needs to be done and don't worry about the changes it would bring to your life.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Hope...An important part of life.....

HOPE - a small word with a great meaning,
It can mean the world to someone who lost everything.
It can be be a string that life hangs on to.
It can be a part of a person, that makes him happy.
It can be something that makes someone stay alive.
It can be a thing that can change the whole world.
It can be a live changing thing for someone who has none left.
It can be as important as love for someone who is about to lose a lover.
It can be a cure for a patient in a hospital.
It can be the energy for someone who is too tired.
It can be a form of light for someone falling into darkness.
It can be the sunlight for someone who just woke up from deep sleep.
It can be happiness, life, miracle and a lot more.
HOPE can mean a lot to someone who wants happiness and a better life........

Sunday, March 24, 2013

5 Awesome Atheism quotes............

Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man -- living in the sky -- who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do.. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time! ..But He loves you..........

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.............

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?

George Bush says he speaks to god every day, and christians love him for it. If George Bush said he spoke to god through his hair dryer, they would think he was mad. I fail to see how the addition of a hair dryer makes it any more absurd...........

A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death..........

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

10 things to remember in life.......

Life is sometimes a mess but sometimes it's awesome. To make it worth living, these are the few things that you should remember.....

1) If we wait to make a move till we are ready, then we might be waiting for the rest of our lives.

2) Never regret what you have done, instead regret what you have not done.

3) A year from now you would wish you had started now. So don't wait, just do it.

4) What you think of yourself is much more important than what people thing about you.

5) The difference between try and triumph is just a little umph.

6) If you want something that you have never had, then you would have to do something that you've never done.

7) Intelligence without ambition is like a bird without wings.

8) If you focus on results you would never change but if you focus on change then you would get results.

9) When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, that is when you will be successful.

10) The worst mistake in you life is to not make any. Make mistakes and learn and improvise.

If you can follow these, then life would be just a pleasant walk in the park. Well, sometimes even that is hard but you still end up feeling great in the end....Keep trying....:)

Monday, February 25, 2013

Live your life.......

Look at you. You're young. You're scared. Why are you so scared????

Stop being paralyzed. 

Stop swallowing the words. 

Stop caring about what other people say or think.

Wear what you want and say what you want.

Listen to the music you want to listen to. 

Play it loud as fuck and dance to it. 

Go out for a drive at midnight and forget that you have work the next day.

Stop waiting for Friday.

Live now, right now.

Take risks.

Tell secrets.

This is your life, live as you want. 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

What is religion all about???

So here comes the big question: What is religion all about??

I bet no one has a plain answer for this one. And don't be surprised because there isn't supposed to be one. No body can answer this question because firstly, religion is nothing but some crappy things preached by someone who probably either wanted to be famous or wanted to prove that he knows everything and secondly, there are so many religions in the whole world that none of them are similar and mostly contradict each other's teaching. 

I mean it really doesn't make sense to me. 
How can people be so blind that they forget that we are not animals but have a lot more sophisticated and highly intelligent brain that can function? 
How can they believe in the stupid things written by someone thousands of years ago when we probably lived in caves?  
How, even after all the scientific improvements and inventions and millions of theories and proofs, people still believe in supernatural things and live a crazy meaningless life with faith that someone else controls it?

This just sounds so stupid and pathetic. Praying to something to make life better is another thing that gets on my nerve. People live their days working so hard and at the end of each day they pray to "GOD" to make things better, isn't that lunacy? Well I like being so free from all this. I love the fact that I do not need to think about destiny, or luck or how my life is supposed to be. I know I can make my life what I want it to be because it's not written anywhere that I would become a doctor or a teacher or a businessman, that's my decision and not some holy book. I enjoy freedom and would be glad to see everyone in the world doing the same one day........ 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Reasons for being an Atheist....

There are a lot of religions to follow in this world, some new some very old but I prefer being an Atheist. Why? Well, here are a few important reasons why I don't believe in any religious institutions:

1) There are thousands of gods most of which contradict each other's characteristics which makes it stupidity to believe in them.

2) No religion is perfect and none have a consistent history and ideologies. This makes it hard to judge which one is true or pure.

3) Some religions have gods that are similar to humans and yet supernatural and some have the same characteristics of humans but still believed to be somewhat different. Well, this sounds pathetic.

4) Religions say everything is made by Gods and controlled by them but then what the hell are humans for? Do they just need to sit around and things would happen? Well, I have never been able to understand what they mean.

5) Every religion has some sort of a book that has each and everything listed, which is obviously written by humans. So how did that happen?

6) In all the religions, there are a few things that are so stupid and unreal that it really makes it hard to trust them blindly.

7) The last but not the least, with all the scientific discoveries its obvious that we have evolved into what we are and what the world is, it's not something that was created by a supernatural power. And if people still believe this then I think they need a reality check and start using their minds.

There are a hundred other reasons that I have to throw out religion from my mind and live a better life. Being an Atheist changes things in a way that makes life worth living............

Saturday, February 2, 2013

What is Atheism

A lot of people in the world wonder what "ATHEISM" is, what it's all about, what it represents and what does it mean to be an Atheist. Well, it's pretty simple actually and sometimes I fail to understand why people make it a rocket science.

A religion limits the extent to which the human mind can think to. It makes the humans lose confidence on themselves and start depending on other things like fate, destiny, God, superstitions etc. It's quite ridiculous actually and I believe people need to realize the power that they posses and change not only their lives but also the whole concept of society. Atheism is not another idiotic religion but an understanding that this world is better off without religion. We don't need religion to tell us what to do and what not to do, we have evolved so much that we are self-dependent and can do possibly anything and everything.

Some people look down on Atheists because they don't have a religion that they follow mindlessly. What they don't understand is that they are the ones who are the inferior because they are still living in those ancient times when the Brahmins used foolish stories and fictional characters to show their supremacy and made others believe that we are just mere puppets of some supernatural power called "GOD". Come on people, it's 2013, I think it's about time you grew out of this and made this world a better place to live in.

Lets get rid of Religions and get real freedom through Atheism.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Change is good......

Ever thought what you can do to make your life better? What changes you can make that turn your life into something that you always wanted? Well, here are some things that you can change or add to the way that you live and make things a lot more easier and better:

=> Stop praying and start doing: Well, the first and the foremost thing that you need to stop is praying everyday for something that you need. You need to plan and take some steps in order to achieve what you want. Praying while sitting on your ass and doing nothing is not going to help.

=> Stop being superstitious: Stop believing like something is going to happen each time a cat crosses your path or maybe you break a glass or any other stupid thing happens. That's real stupidity and such a waste of time, you have to stop that and start being realistic.

=> Build confidence in yourself: Rather then believing that you can only get what's written in your destiny, you need to build some confidence in yourself and start taking actions for those things. Start with making a list of things that you want and then start working on those.

=> Start taking risks: Well, they say you can't do big things unless you take risks and that's very much true. You need to take risks sometimes in order to achieve things. Taking and easy way is not going to take you where you want to reach.

=> Honest is not the best policy: Well, last but not the least, it is not always good to be honest. In the world of today, you have to lie, cheat and steal in order to get success and just being too honest doesn't work. 

Learn to deviate from the path when required and you will see a lo of change in your life. All you need to do is try these and once you see the results, these would become a part of you and change you for the better.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Revolutionize the world......

What happens when life takes a quick turn towards the unexpected and leaves the ashes of what was a beautiful life?
Do you blame god because you believe that everything is pre-planned and good or bad is controlled by him and then live in misery?
Or do you try and figure out what went wrong and then make things right  to get back to your life?

Well, if you are intelligent enough and realize that life is something that you make then you would choose the latter.Yes, that's right. How do you blame some invisible person for the happenings in your life, Its just not explainable. You take chances, risks, work hard, and then when the results comes out, you blame someone or something that played no part in anything. And why? That's a mystery.or should I say Stupidity.

Maybe it's time people should realize that humans are not puppets of some supernatural being but rather a creation of nature that worked its way towards evolution and then came to what it is now. We need to understand that whatever happens is a result of our actions and the only ones to credit or blame are us. Maybe its time we took matters in our hands and start working towards a better life for each and every one of us and forget about Destiny or God. Because this is all going to be just a waste of precious time and energy. We humans have an amazing brain that can be utilized to create wonders and instead of limiting it we should let it go full throttle and revolutionize the world..........

Saturday, January 12, 2013

We just can't figure it out.....

for all these years I have been thinking,
what life is all about.
None of it has made sense till now,
and nothing seems to shine bright.
What happened when this world appeared?
What happened? its a doubt.
And all we know if we have to die,
at the end of it all, our life.
No matter what we do or try,
we just can't figure it out.
It's confusing, it is scary,
it has its own moments.
But sometimes it goes really bad,
literally at its worst.
And that is when we realize,
there is nothing that can be rehearsed.
Its obvious that we make things happen,
with our will and our might.
But still there are a million things,
that remain out of our sight.
With all these thought in my mind,
I spend all my life.
And now I've lived all these years,
wasting all my time.
But I still ahve time and maybe,
I should stop caring about life.
Because no matter what we do or try,
we just can't figure it out.......

Monday, January 7, 2013

Take a risk.....:)

Life is all about struggles and whoever is strong enough to handle the ups and downs manages to survive. They say the good die young and that because they are not able to adjust in extreme conditions and become a prey for hunters or cunning people. It is not possible to live a simple and peaceful life in the world of today. 

There might be a few that continue to lead a simple life but they are not that sucessful as compared to the ones that take risks and follow a dangerous road. The world has become more of a warfield and whoever has the best strategies wins it all. And once a battle is won, they keep on rising and reach the top level. That's why the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer. There used to be a time when people used to believe in luck and god and that their life has been planned by god and they kept living whether it gave them joy or sorrow. But that's not the case now. You either die to kill the opponent, that's how life is lived now. God has nothing to do with your life, destiny is out of order. Those who still believe either fail in their lives or well get ruined by others.

You make your own decisions and follow a tough path to success. You need to figure out what you want and not what has been made for you. You need to find your inner strength instead of relying on some superficial power and then push your limits to reach the goal of your life. You need to overcome the hurdles and kick yourself in the butt to make sure you don't back down and keep fighting for what you want. This is how you can win and survive. Make a change and your life would be so much better.......