Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Mind Power

Today i would like to share a personal experience of my life. A few years back when i was in 10th standard i was on my way to school on my bike. It was one of those days when i was going to school early as there was a test in the morning. Now as usual i was driving a bit fast and thee was not even a single vehicle on the road. I heard a truck coming from behind so i gave way to it and it overtook me. Now there was a signal ahead and the truck was in front of me. As soon as i saw it was green i accelerated a bit because i knew that the truck will be able to cross it but i might not be able to do the same. As soon as i reached the signal i saw the signal turned yellow and i was about to cross the signal with the truck in front of me that suddenly the truck hit the breaks really hard and i did not get enough time to take a turn and i hit the truck from behind. I went down in a second and i knew i was hurt but didn't know where. Like i said in the previous posts that i always give a lot of thought to everything and then take an action. Now i was lying down thinking of what to do but did not have enough time as i had an important test in the school. Like all the people i could argue with the truck driver or lie there or give a call to my parents. However instead of doing that i decided to get us with all the strength i had and picked the bike and walked back home. When i reached home my parents were shocked that i was even standing because i had deep cuts on my leg and one on my neck plus some bruises. I still remember that my parents told me that the first thing that i said when i reached home was i need to reach school before 8am. My mother put some antiseptic on the cuts and my father took me to school. There was blood all over my shirt and i sat there, gave the test and went to the doctor straight from there.
After the incident i realized the strength of a man comes from the mind and not from the body. And if you are in a problem then instead of wasting time blaming it on your destiny just think about it and find the solution for it.

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